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PFD Food Services Goes Live with Complexica's Decision Cloud® for AI-driven CRM and In-Field Sales Enablement

4 February 2020

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for supply & demand optimisation, announced today that PFD Food Services has gone live with its Touchless CRM, Customer Opportunity Profiler (COP) and Order Management System (OMS), all part of the Decision Cloud® platform and powered by Complexica’s award-winning Artificial Intelligence engine, Larry, the Digital Analyst®. The cloud-based platform has been deployed as an integrated platform to assist PFD Food Services' sales team across the entire sales process – from call planning and visiting customers, through to in-field quoting & ordering and the recording of customer information. A national roll out of the software has now commenced, to optimise its in-field sales activities within each state.

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Three Ways That Artificial Intelligence Will Shake Up Australian Sales: Complexica

25 May 2017

Businesses that sell a large range of products to a large range of customers are burdened by an analytical challenge that drags down their yield on sales resources. The challenge, simply put, is to help each sales rep answer the following two questions:

  • “Who should I call on this week?” (i.e. where are the opportunities or potential problems?)
  • “What personalised messages/insights should I deliver in each call?”

At present, most sales reps answer these questions by accessing various systems and databases, where they shift through endless customer data, survey information, and transactional data, looking for opportunities or alarming trends (such as down trends). They manually identify the customers that should be visited, add those customers to their call plan, optimise the plan for the best logistical sequence, and then Google the customer before finally making the visit. What’s interesting about this process is that it has nothing to do with sales. This is an analytical task. It prepares the sales rep for the sales visit, and although it's important to be prepared, the task itself is not a sales task.

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How AI Today Can Help You Sell... And How It Can't

30 March 2017

Complexica's CEO, Matthew Michalewicz, speaks with Noah from the Enterprise Sales Podcast on what Artificial Intelligence can do today, and where the limitations are, particularly around the sales function. To listen to the full podcast, please visit: https://soundcloud.com/user-678808760/matthew-michalewicz-how-ai-today-can-help-you-sell-and-how-it-cant

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