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Complexica CEO to Speak at 2024 NECA Electrical Industry Conference

22 January 2024

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software for supply & demand optimisation, announced today that the company's CEO Matt Michalewicz will provide a keynote presentation at the 2024 Neca Electrical Industry Conference in Hobart, Tasmania on 23rd March, 2024.

The keynote, entitled The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: What it Means for You, will cover macro trends re-shaping businesses and industries, explain what Artificial Intelligence is, and its application across various industries. Matt will also explain what it all means for businesses and give practical advice for what's coming next. Engaging and educational, this session will draw on facts, case studies, as well as live technology examples to explain each concept. 

To learn more please visit https://www.necaconference.com.au/businesssessions

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PFD Food Services Goes Live with Complexica's Decision Cloud® for AI-driven Demand Planning and Replenishment Optimization

17 October 2022

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for supply & demand optimization, announced today that PFD Food Services has gone live with its Decision Cloud® software platform for automating and optimising demand planning and replenishment activities. The cloud-based application has been deployed as an integrated AI-driven platform for the optimization and replenishment of tens of thousands of products across 70 warehouses. The deployment allows PFD to replace its legacy demand & replenishment planning system and further extend its use of Complexica’s Decision Cloud® platform across the business.

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Podcast: AI and its Application in the Food & Beverage Sector

18 August 2021

This podcast explains how best to navigate the hype often associated with AI versus the reality of its use in decision support systems. While AI is often already in use within businesses, Complexica CEO Matt Michalewicz explains the importance of identifying a business problem to solve rather than implementing AI simply for AI’s sake. Artificial Intelligence can add real benefits through supply & demand optimisation, reaching into sales, marketing, supply chain and production systems and processes. 

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CEO of Microequities Asset Management Discusses Complexica with Morningstar

27 July 2021

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software for supply & demand optimisation was featured on Morningtar today in an interview with Carlos Gil, Chief Investment Officer at Microequities Asset Management. Carlos Gil mentioned Complexica while discussing opportunities in microcap equities.

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Complexica's Dr. Zbigniew Michalewicz, Leonardo Arantes, and Matt Michalewicz Release New Book "The Rise of Artificial Intelligence"

20 June 2021

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software for supply & demand optimisation, announced today that the company's Chief Scientist, Dr. Zbigniew Michalewicz, along with its Director of Business Development, Leonardo Arantes, and Managing Director, Matt Michalewicz, have released a new book entitled The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Real-world applications for revenue and margin growth. Divided into four parts and almost 500 pages in length, the new book is available for purchase in hard copy from AmazonDymocks, and many other booksellers, as well as in ebook form.

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Complexica's AI to Power South Australia's Largest Port

8 June 2021

Flinders Ports has an ambition - to do as little work as humanly possible moving containers back and forth as they make their way through South Australia’s major logistics hub. So it’s perhaps poetic that the Adelaide company has brought artificial intelligence to bear, to crunch the numbers on the Tetris-like task of getting hundreds of thousands of containers per year on and off ships, and on their way to the end user. Flinders has been working with Adelaide AI company Complexica for the past 18 months on optimising container movements through the Adelaide Container Terminal. The process has been largely manual to date, with the decisions about where containers would go in the yard being been left up to humans.

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Deloitte Insights: Optimizing Value Through AI in Pharma

7 June 2021

Deloitte insights covers Pfizer Australia's partnership with Complexica for the deployment of its What-if Simulator & Optimiser, powered by Larry, the Digital Analyst® which can test and optimise a variety of complex what-if scenarios based on large internal and external data sets. Moreover, the AI platform allows users to: 
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Learning from Legends: Peter Switzer Discusses AI and Its Impact on Business, Stocks, and Our Lives

26 May 2021

Complexica's CEO, Matt Michalewicz, joins Peter Switzer on the Learning from Legends podcast to discuss the impact of AI on business, stocks, and our lives. 

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Complexica CEO discusses Artificial Intelligence at the SA Defence Network Event

19 May 2021

Matt Michalewicz, CEO of Complexica will be speaking on the Rise of Artificial Intelligence and what it means for business leaders. Engaging and educational, this session will draw on facts, case studies, as well as live technology examples to explain each concept.

For more information about the event, please visit: https://allevents.in/fullarton/gathering-with-purpose-matt-michalewicz-on-artificial-intelligence/10000151003219695

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Complexica CEO to Speak at the 2021 AMI Marketing Prediction Series

17 March 2021

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for supply & demand optimisation, announced today that the company's CEO – Matt Michalewicz – will speak at the national AMI Marketing Prediction Series event on March 31st. 

The Australian Marketing Institute has attracted some of Australia’s finest marketing minds to share their thoughts on the marketing trends they think will define 2021 and re-shape how we approach the future. The Prediction series is an opportunity to gain valuable insider knowledge from some of the industry’s most experienced and engaging thought leaders. During this exclusive one-day event, our expert panel of speakers will share their views on emerging trends at both national and global level. Key themes will include the continued evolution of martech and its role on the path to success, commitment to creativity and the true meaning of marketing with purpose. The speakers will also address some tough questions on the future of the marketing industry in a post-COVID world. 

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Learning from Legends: Peter Switzer Discusses Artificial Intelligence and Complexica's IPO Plans with Matt Michalewicz

4 March 2021

Complexica's CEO, Matt Michalewicz, joins Peter Switzer on the Learning from Legends podcast to discuss application areas of Artificial Intelligence, as well as Complexica's IPO plans:

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DuluxGroup Signs Contract for the Implementation and National Rollout of Complexica's Decision Cloud® for Retail Execution

8 January 2021

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for supply & demand optimisation, announced today that it has expanded its relationship with DuluxGroup into the area of retail execution. DuluxGroup has been a strategic customer of Complexica since 2016, and this new contract will see DuluxGroup extend its use of Complexica’s Customer Opportunity Profiler (COP) and Larry, the Digital Analyst® – which are part of the Decision Cloud® software platform – into the Dulux Retail business unit.

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