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Complexica is a provider of Artificial Intelligence software that can help your organisation sell more products and services, and reduce labour costs and headcount. We are an Australian company founded upon the research of several world-renown computer scientists, and possess significant expertise in the areas of data mining, analytics, expert systems, decision automation, and cognitive computing.

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Complexica Expands Team in Australia and Overseas

4 September 2017

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for optimising sales & marketing activities, announced today that created numerous new roles and positions during the past few months, which include the appointment of Dr. Ali Shemshadi, Dr. Riky Tan, and Xiang Li as Machine Learning Scientists, and Iulian Coretchi as General Manager of Testing & Development. Jon Lee has also joined the company as Software Engineering Lead, and Murad Mekhtiev as Business Analyst.

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Complexica Chief Scientist to Provide Keynote at the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems

9 August 2017

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for optimising sales & marketing activities, announced today that the company's Chief Scientist, Dr. Zbigniew Michalewicz, will be a keynote speaker at the annual Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, held in Prague on Sept 3rd - 6th 2017.

Dr. Zbigniew Michalewicz’s keynote will focus on the topics of big data, disruption, and Artificial Intelligence, and how these market forces are shaping industries and start-ups around the world. He will provide real-world examples of how AI-based applications have been applied within large organisations during the past few decades, and how the nature and outcomes of those applications is changing over time. Engaging and educational, Zbigniew's keynote will draw on facts, studies, and real-life examples from his 30-year career running Artificial Intelligence software companies in the United State, Europe, and Australia.

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DuluxGroup Adopts AI-powered Sales Assistant

17 July 2017

DuluxGroup has become the latest brand to sign on with artificial intelligence sales optimisation vendor, Complexica, in a bid to automate processes for sales staff and provide a more personalised customer experience.

The deployment of Complexica's Customer Opportunity Profiler (COP) system for the brand's trade paints, texture coatings, and protective coatings businesses, is about reducing non-selling time of sales staff, personalise customer interactions and conversations, and automate the manual research undertaken by sales staff. According to DuluxGroup, customer research and analysis across the brand's offerings was a well-recognised problem meant most sales teams lacked the time and analytical skills to execute, often leading to the under- or over-servicing of accounts, lost opportunities, and poor allocation of resources and time.

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DuluxGroup Signs Contract with Complexica for Artificial Intelligence Software to Optimise Sales

28 June 2017

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for optimising sales and marketing activities, announced today that it has signed a contract with DuluxGroup for the deployment of a next-generation Customer Opportunity Profiler (COP) system, powered by Larry, the Digital Analyst®. DuluxGroup will deploy the software within its trade paints, texture coatings, and protective coatings businesses to reduce the non-selling time of sales staff, personalise customer interactions and conversations, and automate the manual research undertaken by sales staff.

“After an evaluation process and successful proof-of-concept in 2016, we have chosen to partner with Complexica to upgrade the technological capability of our in-field sales force,” said Stephen Mooney, Group Sales Capability Manager for DuluxGroup. “The next-generation Customer Opportunity Profiler provided by Complexica will serve as a key tool for sales staff to optimise their daily activities, personalise conversations and interactions with customers, and analyse data to generate actionable insights.”

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Complexica CEO Discusses Artificial Intelligence with Marty Switzer on Sky News

9 June 2017

Complexica's CEO, Matthew Michalewicz, joins Marty Switzer on Sky News to dispel some common myths about the rise of Artificial Intelligence, and explain why jobs are not in danger, yet.

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Three Ways That Artificial Intelligence Will Shake Up Australian Sales: Complexica

25 May 2017

Businesses that sell a large range of products to a large range of customers are burdened by an analytical challenge that drags down their yield on sales resources. The challenge, simply put, is to help each sales rep answer the following two questions:

  • “Who should I call on this week?” (i.e. where are the opportunities or potential problems?)
  • “What personalised messages/insights should I deliver in each call?”

At present, most sales reps answer these questions by accessing various systems and databases, where they shift through endless customer data, survey information, and transactional data, looking for opportunities or alarming trends (such as down trends). They manually identify the customers that should be visited, add those customers to their call plan, optimise the plan for the best logistical sequence, and then Google the customer before finally making the visit. What’s interesting about this process is that it has nothing to do with sales. This is an analytical task. It prepares the sales rep for the sales visit, and although it's important to be prepared, the task itself is not a sales task.

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Complexica Wins Tender to Provide Artificial Intelligence Software for Pfizer Australia

3 May 2017

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for optimising sales and marketing decisions, announced today that it has won a tender at Pfizer Australia for the deployment of its What-if Simulator & Optimiser, powered by Complexica’s award-winning Artificial Intelligence platform, Larry, the Digital Analyst®.

“After evaluating a number of software companies in the marketplace that possess advanced prediction and optimisation capabilities, we have ultimately selected Complexica as our vendor of choice.” said Andrew Endicott, Brand Manager for Pfizer Australia. “We have found that answering complex “what-if” questions is a challenging and time-consuming endeavour, and we believe that Complexica’s What-if Simulator & Optimiser can provide Pfizer Australia with a platform for scenario analysis that will improve our decision-making in the future. We look forward to working with Complexica to address some of the analytical and “what-if” challenges facing our business and operating environment.”

Pfizer Australia is part of Pfizer, Inc., which is the world's largest research-based pharmaceutical company, employing more than 96,000 people globally and turning over in excess of $52 billion annually. The company's key areas of focus are immunology, oncology, cardiology, diabetology/endocrinology, and neurology. Since being founded in 1849, the company has been committed to applying science and its global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. For more information about Pfizer, please visit: www.pfizer.com

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Pfizer Australia Adopts AI-Powered Digital Analyst for Sales and Marketing Decision Making

3 May 2017

Pfizer Australia is rolling out artificial intelligence-based digital analyst tools from Complexica in a bid to improve the pharmaceutical company’s data-driven sales and marketing decision making.

Based on its digital analyst engine, dubbed Larry, Complexica’s What-if Simulator allows Pfizer to test and optimise a range of scenarios based on internal and external data sets. In a statement, the company said it plans to use the software to simulate the impact of sales and marketing strategies, investigate assumptions and hypothesis difficult to test in the real world, and compare the outcome of various what-if scenarios in order to understand what’s contributing to business results.

Pfizer said the software will also help to understand deterministic and non-deterministic factors presented in its business operations, as well as see how variables within different questions impact one another. Pfizer brand manager, Andrew Endicott, said the group evaluated a number of predictive and optimisation offering before opting for Complexica.

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Haircare Australia Selects Complexica for AI-driven Sales Force Automation and CRM

18 April 2017

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for optimising sales and marketing activities, announced today that it has signed a contract with Haircare Australia for the deployment of a number of its software applications for optimising sales force activities and managing customer relationships and interactions. Complexica will provide Haircare Australia staff with advanced capabilities for quoting, order processing, CRM, and guided-selling, through the deployment of its “Touchless” CRM system, Customer Opportunity Profiler (COP) and Order Management System (OMS), which are collectively powered by Complexica’s proprietary Artificial Intelligence engine, Larry, the Digital Analyst®

“After evaluating a number of software systems available in the marketplace, we have ultimately selected Complexica as our vendor of choice for sales force automation and CRM,” said Nick Carr, CEO of Haircare Australia. “Given the large SKU range we carry and very long tail of customers we serve, Complexica’s applications are best suited to deal with this inherent complexity without burdening our staff with endless data entry. We look forward to deploying Complexica’s software applications to help our staff focus on what they do best – providing maximum value and service to our customers.”

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Artificial Intelligence Enabling Sales Effectiveness

6 April 2017

While many in sales fumble around with automated blasting and spamming, some of the best minds in the world are quietly revolutionizing sales forever. Make no mistake, all professions are facing the great disruption of the machine age as the bots steadily take over the trickiest of surgeries and medical procedures, legal research and precedent analysis, driving in the most hazardous of roads and mines, navigating and piloting the airways, automating banking and accounting, making the most complex decisions for marketing and advertising within markets. Relationships alone cannot save your sales career. You'll need technology if you are to achieve the level of efficiency and effective needed to thrive.

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How AI Today Can Help You Sell... And How It Can't

30 March 2017

Complexica's CEO, Matthew Michalewicz, speaks with Noah from the Enterprise Sales Podcast on what Artificial Intelligence can do today, and where the limitations are, particularly around the sales function. To listen to the full podcast, please visit: https://soundcloud.com/user-678808760/matthew-michalewicz-how-ai-today-can-help-you-sell-and-how-it-cant

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Complexica CEO to Keynote on Artificial Intelligence and Sales Force Automation at CRN's Pipeline Conference

20 March 2017

Complexica Pty Ltd, a leading provider of Artificial Intelligence software for optimising sales & marketing activities, announced today that Matthew Michalewicz will be a keynote speaker at CRN's Pipeline conference in Melbourne on March 23rd and Sydney on April 7th. His keynote will focus on how Artificial Intellingence and big data are being used in the area of sales force automation, particuarly to improve pricing, margins, and sales efficiency and effectiveness.

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